Birth your boldest ideas through storytelling & authentic marketing content. And change the world with your words. 

Hi, I’m Megan

An intuitive copywriting coach for soul-led entrepreneurs and the CEO’s who serve them.

Leverage your Inner Connector & Responder

Grab your free copy of 44 Prompts to Write Authentic Content Quickly

These intuitive prompts are designed especially for Deep Thinkers. They bypass your Inner Critic and speak directly to the part of you that’s ready to show up in Love & Service.



    Influential Storyteller

    Learn the secrets of storytelling and how to deliver your message with impact in this in-depth masterclass for coaches, teachers, speakers, and thought leaders. 


    Uncover Your Investor Me$$age

    Receive channeled messaging to position your premium program so it resonates with empowered clients who are ready to invest in a high-value solution.


    Write Your Light Collective

    Monthly membership for soul-led coaches who want to consistently create content without sacrificing inspiration. Activate your voice and shine your light online!

    I’m loving writing again! It had become a bit stale and tedious for me after several years of doing things the way others do it. It’s now number 3 on my list of priorities, right behind self care and serving clients. It had slipped way down the list because I was bored with it. I knew I could write well, but something was missing that made people want to reach out to ask how they could work with me. People are now reaching out to ask what I’m up to, they’re seeing the change in my content, and saying it’s like I’m reading their mind. I didn’t realise I was waiting for ‘permission’ to have fun and show my sense of humour in my content, but apparently I was! Allowing myself to be playful and fun when talking about money and business is so liberating! I feel SO READY for the next phase of growth in my business. You’ve helped me tap into that strong leadership energy and bring it through in my writing.

    ~Deirdre Amies, Business & Money Mindset Coach

    Hi, I’m Megan

    I’m an intuitive channel, using my high sensitivity & copywriting chops to help you express your unique brilliance through writing. 

    When we work together, I connect you directly to your authentic voice and your audience. So it feels easy & joyful to write about the exact topics that get folks leaning in. In the language that allows them to feel truly seen — and you to feel fully expressed. 

    I’ve been teaching writing for over 20 years, beginning in 2002, helping kiddos with severe learning disabilities. I bring to my work the awareness that every brain is beautifully and brilliantly different, and the commitment to helping you find the way to write that works for you

    We play with prompts that bypass your inner critic and templates designed especially for deep thinkers.

    And we leverage your strengths as a connector, responder, and verbal processor. So we break through the anxiety of the blank page and jump directly into inspired flow. 

    Think of me as your Idea Midwife: I’m by your side, supporting you to birth your bold ideas. So you can change the world through storytelling, through marketing content for your soul-led business, or through the book you feel called to write. 

    Connect with me and tell me your greatest desire for your writing!

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